Mongoose Party
The Mongoose Party's mission is to bring new ideas to Illinois based on common sense to solve the top three issues facing its residents.
Top Three Goals of the Mongoose Party for Illinois
(1) Jobs
Eliminate State Income Tax to spur investment in jobs. The highest job growth states are those without an income tax.
(2) Balance Budget
Eliminate the state pension program for new hires except for police, fire, and correctional officers. This is the largest line item of the budget and threatens the financial longevity of the state.
(3) Educational Liberty
Replace federal school funding with state funding to eliminate federal mandates on our schools, thus returning power to local school boards and parents so that they can make their own choices for educating their children.
john hauge
Party founder. Running for State House 107th District.
Father of two and grandfather of two
Worked as a supervisor, engineer, manager in various factories
Second-generation American on my father's side
Never been elected
Never worked for either of the major political parties
Not a lawyer
An American patriot
B.S.Ch.E. Michigan Technological Univ.
M.B.A. University of Illinois at Springfield
Campaign Update:
John Hauge Signature Update for 107th District
As of 5-1-22: 150 Signatures or 10% of total needed
As of 5-30-22: 300 Signatures or 20% of total needed
7-11 filing deadline
Looking for candidates
Anyone interested in running for office
text/call (217) 520-1864
Subscribe to our mailing list at [MONGOOSE_PARTY@YAHOO.COM]
About the party
Why a new party?
This party was formed from the disappointment with the two major political parties. The mongoose was chosen as the party's symbol because of its reputation as a snake killer. The snake has two faces. There is the happy face of liberalism at the tail end of the snake, but it is as false as a snake having two heads. Liberalism promises good but ends up destroying peoples' lives. Chicago has been under liberal Democrat rule for sixty years and the pain and suffering has now spread to the rest of Illinois. Liberalism leads to socialism, an ideology of pure evil. There is pure socialism like national healthcare, and then there is indirect socialism where corporations, small businesses, farms, and our schools are effectively run by politicians via government regulation. Socialism is un-American. It was invented by Europeans as a more friendly form of dictatorship. Socialism goes against the founding principles of America.
The Mongoose Party accepts no donations. The Mongoose Party only asks the public to support it by signing petitions to get its candidates on the ballot and to share its message amongst friends, family, and neighbors.